
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


kk copy

Nuno: so when is the wedding?

kuai: soon.. r u coming?

Nuno: I can’t always come to Malaysia.. I want to go to d others place..

kuai: ok.. send me a gift..

Nuno: so, honeymoon? where?

Kuai: not sure yet.. somewhere cheep..

Nuno: come to Portugal..

Kuai: crazy! its going to spend my whole life’s earning..

Nuno: u can do it.. even Germans don't take lunch.. bla.. bla.. bla.. bad..

Kuai: am not German..

Nuno: bla.. bla.. bla.. Germans.. bla.. bla.. Germans..

kuai: u r nice person but annoying!

Nuno: me? annoying?? tonsilot thanks a lot!!

Kuai: u r welcome!


  1. ba kuai jan lupa jemput kio..hehe..tonsilot?apa tu..makanan ka..haha..

  2. LOL tonsilot? @_@

    why is ur fren bragging about german people? XD

  3. wel itu barang boleh makan jg ba....hahaha

  4. ahaha tonsilot bh jadi. Nuno really likes Germans.

  5. tonsi WHAT?

    This post really crack me up. Beguling ni btul2 sa katawa. Pusitak.

    Thanks a lot jadi tu aaa. Niiiiiceeee... hahahaha

  6. :) ada org mau kawinnnn :)

    jn lupa a hehe

  7. SJB: wakakakaka..

    Wel: bah, ko mesti datang ah!! ahaha.. tapi teda tu 'makanan' dihidangkan time tu..:P (sot!)

    Msalight: LOL.. i have no idea.. he will mentioning about germans in every conversation.. apa tidak annoying.. pingsan!

    Sweetie: wakakaka... sa rasa c wel tau juga tu.. >.<

    Rugitom: :P.. well, he hates them actually.. >.<

    cicak: WHAT?! hahaha.. i dun bilib posting this too.. but i think its cheered me even i got annoyed by him.. hahah..

    Adora: haha.. glad knowing that.. i think he will pingsan if he really understand what tonsilo*'s means.. lol

    NC: hehe.. nda akan dilupakan.. hugs*

  8. dont know wat to say. dont feel it is funny tho...

    indeed... agree that nuno is a nice person...

    kuai and nuno are my best friend.

    nuno had diff culture , diff way of thinking ...

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